CREATION - Photo Collage by Herman Bartelen

Author: Herman Bartelen

Copyright 4C Publishing 2024

Available as printed softcover book (¥2,500 - free shipping) 


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End of an Era - Artwork by Herman Bartelen

Author: Herman Bartelen

Copyright 4C Publishing 2018

Available as printed softcover book (¥1,500 - free shipping) or PDF download (¥1,000)


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A Guide to Better Presentations

Title: A Guide to Better Presentations

Authors: Malcolm Kostiuk, Herman Bartelen

Publisher: 4C Publishing

ISBN- 0-692-84458-8 ISBN-978-0-692-84458-8

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Once Upon a Time... The Art of Storytelling with Young Learners

Author: Herman Bartelen

Copyright 4C Publishing 2018

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Teaching English to Young Learners - Becoming an Effective Teacher

Author: Herman Bartelen, Andy Lankshear

Copyright 4C Publishing 2020

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She Sells Seashells by the Seashore - Improving and Mastering English Pronunciation

Author: Herman Bartelen, Malcolm Kostiuk

Japanese translation: Yukiko Hayashida 

Illustrations: Ryunosuke Matsuoka

Cover art: Herman Bartelen

Copyright 4C Publishing 2020


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